How To Make Cajun Roux

Roux is a thickening agent used in Cajun cooking. It is time-consuming, so plan ahead! Patience is needed when making a roux.




  1. In a large cast iron skillet, heat the oil over high heat until it begins to smoke (about 4 minutes).
  2. Turn heat to low. With a roux paddle (like a wooden spoon with a flat end) or wooden spoon, gradually mix in flour, stirring until smooth. Continue cooking, stirring constantly until roux is a dark mahogany. This may take up to an hour. Be careful not to let it scorch in the pan or splash on your skin. If black specks appear, you will need to throw the roux out and start all over again.Remove from heat and use as needed.

Extra roux may be kept in the refrigerator indefinitely.

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