DISCLAIMER: All recipes were obtained from sources believed to be reputable, but some ingredients may be somewhat controversial. The recipes are on this site as a courtesy to those who avidly prepare homemade food for their pets. If there is any doubt, please consult your veterinarian before using any of these recipes.

Pet Food Recipes

Bird Food Recipes

*Helpful Hints*

A Bird's Delight
Bird Bread
Bird Cake
Bird Cookies
Bird Crackers
Bird Seed
Canary Paste
Cockatiel and Parakeet Mix
Coconut Bird Feeder
Egg Carton Bird Feeder
Food for Baby Birds
Gourmet Bird Food Balls
Hi-Pro Bird Goodies
Hummingbird and Oriole Nectar
No Melt Suet for Birds
Parrot Custard
Peanut Butter Birdseed Balls
Peanut Butter Treats
Pine Cone Bird Feeders Photo
Suet Bird Cakes
Suet Bird Food
Suet Cups and Cones
Suet Muffins

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