DISCLAIMER: All recipes were obtained from sources believed to be reputable, but some ingredients may be somewhat controversial. The recipes are on this site as a courtesy to those who avidly prepare homemade food for their pets. If there is any doubt, please consult your veterinarian before using any of these recipes.

Pet Food Recipes

Dog Food Recipes, page 1

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*Helpful Hints*

Apple Cinnamon Doggie Cookies
Banana Biscotti Bones
Banana Mutt Cookies
Basic Dog Treats
Beefy Dog Bone Biscuits
Best of Breed Dog Biscuits photo
Biscuits for a Friend Wreath
Canine Cookies
Carob Doggie Cookies
Carob Doggie Treats
Carrot and Apple Horse Cookies
Carrot Peanut Birthday Cake
Cheddar Dog Biscuits
Cheesy Constellation Crackers photo
Cheesy Hound Rounds
Chicken Chips
Chicken-Beef Crunchers
Crunchy Sesame Rye Treats
Dog Biscuits Deluxe
Doggie Bacon Bits
Doggie Biscuits
Doggie Biscuits in a Jar
Doggie Dessert
Doggie Goodies
Doggie Ice Cream
Doggie or Kitty Biscuits
Doggy Yummy Treats
Frosty Paws Ice Cream
Good Doggy Biscuits
Great Dane-ish

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