Baked Beans
25 servings: 3/4 gallon
50 servings: 1 1/4 gallons
100 servings: 2 1/2 gallons
25 servings: 50 slices
50 servings: 100 slices
100 servings: 200 slices
25 servings: 1/2 pound
50 servings: 1 pound
100 servings: 2 pounds
25 servings: 1 (10 x 12-inch) sheet
cake -
1 1/2 (10-inch) layer cakes
50 servings: 1 (12 x 20-inch) sheet cake -
3 (10-inch) layer cakes
100 servings: 2 (12 x 20-inch) sheet
cakes -
6 (10-inch) layer cakes
25 servings: 6 1/4 pounds
50 servings: 12 1/2 pounds
100 servings: 25 pounds
Cheese (2 ounce serving slice)
25 servings:
3 pounds
50 servings: 6 pounds
100 servings:
12 pounds
25 servings: 13 pounds
50 servings: 25 to 35 pounds
100 servings: 50 to 75 pounds
25 servings: 1/2 pound coffee and
1 1/2 gallons water
50 servings: 1 pound coffee and
3 gallons water
100 servings: 2 pounds coffee and
6 gallons water
25 servings: 1 1/2 pounds
50 servings: 3 pounds
100 servings: 6 pounds
Fish, fillets or steaks
25 servings: 7
1/2 pounds
50 servings: 15 pounds
servings: 30 pounds
Fish, large whole
25 servings: 13 pounds
50 servings: 25 pounds
100 servings: 50 pounds
Fruit Cup (1/2 cup serving)
25 servings:
3 quarts
50 servings: 6 quarts
100 servings:
12 quarts
25 servings: 9 pounds
50 servings: 18 pounds
100 servings: 36 pounds
Hot Dogs
25 servings: 6 1/2 pounds
50 servings: 13 pounds
100 servings: 26 pounds
Ice Cream, brick
25 servings: 3 1/4 quarts
50 servings: 6 1/2 quarts
100 servings: 13 quarts
Ice Cream, bulk
25 servings: 2 1/4 quarts
50 servings: 4 1/2 quarts
100 servings: 9 quarts
Jams and Preserves
25 servings: 1 1/2
50 servings: 3 pounds
100 servings:
6 pounds
Jell-O Salad
25 servings: 3/4 gallon
50 servings: 1 1/2 gallons
100 servings: 3 gallons
25 servings: 10 to 15 lemons
1 1/2 gallons water
50 servings: 20 to 30 lemons and
3 gallons water
100 servings: 40 to 60 lemons plus
6 gallons water
Lettuce (salads)
25 servings: 4 heads
50 servings: 8 heads
100 servings: 16 heads
Mashed Potatoes
25 servings: 9 pounds
50 servings: 18 to 20 pounds
100 servings: 36 to 40 pounds
25 servings: 1 cup
50 servings: 2 cups
100 servings: 4 cups
Meat (Poultry - bone in)
25 servings:
20 pounds
50 servings: 40 pounds
servings: 80 pounds
Meat (Poultry - boneless)
25 servings:
8 pounds
50 servings: 16 pounds
servings: 32 pounds
Potato Salad
25 servings: 4 1/4 quarts
50 servings: 2 1/4 gallons
100 servings: 4 1/2 gallons
25 servings: 4 dozen
50 servings: 8 dozen
100 servings: 16 dozen
Salad Dressings
25 servings: 1 pint
50 servings: 2 1/2 pints
100 servings: 1/2 gallon
Sandwich Filling (meat, eggs, fish)
servings: 1 1/2 quarts
50 servings: 2 1/2 to 3 quarts
100 servings: 5 to 6 quarts
Sandwich Filling (sweet - fruit)
25 servings:
1 quarts
50 servings: 2 quarts
100 servings:
4 quarts
Scalloped Potatoes
25 servings: 4 1/2
50 servings: 9 quarts
100 servings:
18 quarts
25 servings: 1 1/2 gallons
50 servings: 3 gallons
100 servings: 6 gallons
25 servings: 1 1/4 gallons
50 servings: 2 1/2 gallons
100 servings: 5 gallons
25 servings: 1/12 pounds tea and
1 1/2 gallons water
50 servings: 1/6 pound tea and
3 gallons water
100 servings: 1/3 pound tea and
6 gallons water
25 servings: 3 to 5 pounds
50 servings: 7 to 10 pounds
100 servings: 14 to 20 pounds
25 servings: 13 pounds
50 servings: 25 to 35 pounds
100 servings: 50 to 75 pounds
Vegetables, canned
25 servings: 1 #10
50 servings: 2 1/2 #10 cans
servings: 4 #10 cans
25 servings: 37 1/2 pounds
50 servings: 75 pounds
100 servings:
150 pounds
Whipping Cream
25 servings: 3/4 pint
50 servings: 1 1/2 to 2 pints
100 servings:
3 pints
Air Fryer ~ American Regional ~ Appetizers ~ Baby Food ~ Back of the Box ~ Beans ~ Beverages ~ Bowls/Buddha Bowls ~ Bread ~ Breakfast/Brunch ~ Camping/Hiking ~ Candy ~ Canning ~ Casseroles ~ Celebrity ~ Condiments ~ Cookies ~ Cooking for a Crowd ~ Cooking for Two ~ Cowboy/Ranch ~ Crock Pot ~ Dessert ~ Diet ~ Energy Bars ~ Family Favorites ~ Fish/Seafood ~ Gifts in a Jar ~ Grill ~ Holidays ~ Home Remedies ~ Instant Pot ~ International ~ Jiffy Mixes ~ LuAnn's Family Favorites ~ Meat ~ Meatless ~ Mixes ~ Name Brand ~ Nutella ~ Packet Cooking ~ Pampered Chef ~ Pasta/Rice/Beans ~ Pet Food ~ Picnic ~ Pizza ~ Potluck ~ Pressure Cooker ~ Restaurant ~ Salads/Salad Dressings ~ Sandwiches ~ Sauces ~ School Cafeteria ~ Seasoning/Flavored Oil/Vinegar ~ Sheet Pan ~ Side Dishes/Veggies ~ Snacks ~ Soup/Stew/Chili ~ Spreads ~ State Fair ~ Syrup ~ Tofu ~ TVP ~ Two-Ingredients ~ Vegetarian ~ Wild Game
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