DISCLAIMER: All recipes were obtained from sources believed to be reputable, but some ingredients may be somewhat controversial. The recipes are on this site as a courtesy to those who avidly prepare homemade food for their pets. If there is any doubt, please consult your veterinarian before using any of these recipes.

Pet Food Recipes

Cat Food Recipes

*Helpful Hints*

Catfish Party Pie
Catnip Cookies
Chicken Crunchies (for kitties)
Cookies for Fluffy
Doggie or Kitty Biscuits
Feline Fish Balls
Grassy Goodness
Holy Mackerels
Kitty Catnip Cookies
Kitty Cookies
Kitty Treats
Mackerel Cat Munchies
Mikey's Mackerel Cat Munchies
Party Dish for Three Kittens
Party Mackerel Loaf (for people too!)
Su-Purr Salmon Pate
Tuna Cat Treats

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God's Rainbow - Noahic Covenant