Snack Recipes

"Rad" Roasted Peanuts

Be sure to enjoy a few peanuts, if you can control yourself, while they are still warm. mm...mmm...GOOD!

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  1. Heat toaster oven to 300 degrees F. Line the bottom of a shallow baking pan with some aluminum foil and lay down a bed (about 2/3 to 1 cup) of whole roasted coffee beans, preferably a Columbian supremo or a French roast.
  2. Place in-the-shell raw peanuts, about 3 good handsful, over the coffee beans.
  3. Place in toaster oven. Cook about 35 minutes, removing and tossing peanuts and beans around once, midway through the roasting process.
  4. Remove from oven and let cool for about ten minutes before attempting to eat. Store uneaten peanuts, along with some of the coffee beans in an airtight lidded container.


My "Rad" Roasted Peanuts are a well browned to dark/very dark roasted peanut, and enhanced with an infusion of roasted whole coffee beans. They are roasted in small batches in a Black & Decker Dine In model toaster oven. Roasting time to bring out the oil of the peanut, the whole coffee beans, and the small cavity of the toaster oven, is what gives these peanuts a flavor punch (who needs all that salt) you won't find in any store bought roasted peanuts.


Shared by Clarke Trevett with

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