Thanksgiving Recipes

Turkey Cheese Board

Turkey Cheese Board is simply adorable, and it's very easy to assemble.

Turkey Cheese Board

Yield: 10 appetizer servings


  • 2 packages Cabot Cracker Cuts (use two different varieties)
  • 20 mini sweet peppers (in two different colors)
  • 1 package crackers
  • 1 green pear


  1. Arrange crackers on the outside in a semi circle shape. This will be the full size of your turkey.
  2. Layer on the first variety of cracker cut slices. Then layer one color of peppers down, followed by the second color. Then layer the other cracker cut flavors ontop. This will be the last layer before the turkey body.
  3. Slice the pear in half and place it on top of the cheese in the center of the turkey tail that you’ve created. Then cut a beak and eyes out of a slice of cheese. Then carve two chicken feet out of one of the mini peppers.


Recipe and photo used with permission from: Cabot Cheese Coop

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