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Glossary - X

Xanthan Gum - Produced from the fermentation of corn sugar. It is most commonly used as a stabilizer, emulsifier and thickener. Xanthan Gum is made from a tiny microorganism call Xanthomonas Carmpestris and is a natural carbohydrate. It is also a substitute for gluten and to give volume to breads and other gluten-free baked goods. Xanthan gum can be added to liquids such as salad dressings, gravies, sauces, sour cream, yogurt and even ice cream to give them a creamy smooth texture. It also has the unique ability to hold particles of food together, making it a good stabilizer.

Xoconostle - [Spanish] acidy, green prickly pear.

XXX; XXXX - Label symbols used for confectioners' (powdered) sugar.

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